Mikkel Wax No Comments

Just Shipped! 100-ton Cutting on Nylon Belt Die Cutting Press to Mexico.

This 100-ton cutting on nylon belt die cutting system has landed in Mexico and is already in operation cutting parts for the automotive industry.  Our customer requested special delivery instructions – they asked for a truck that can deliver the machine directly to their factory without any transloads and to deliver the machine with minimal machine assembly required upon arrival.  APMC was able to find a direct truck and to keep the machine in one piece instead of disassembling the feed system (with the help of our longtime friends at So-Cal Machinery Movers).  Our customer was able to put the machine into production quickly after receiving the machine.  Click here to view more die cutting machinesClick here to submit information about your cutting project.

100-ton die cutting press

Loading 100-ton cutting on belt die cutting machine using a crane lift.

100-ton die cutting press

100-ton cutting on belt die cutting machine on the truck.